ABC Book Challenge |K|

ABC Book Challenge

I love organizing and listing the books that have left a mark with me as well as books that I still need to read, so when I ran across this challenge over on Thrice Read, I knew this was something I wanted to give a try.

The way this challenge works is that every week I will post a letter of the alphabet, starting with A and continuing to Z. Each post will include books that were the most memorable that started with that letter, as well as books still on my TBR that also start with that letter.

This week’s letter is K!

Most Memorable Books

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

Still On My TBR

Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami
Kokoro by Natsume Soseki
Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann

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